Wednesday 27 March 2013

                               Prisoners To Get Varsity – Level Courses

Based on the newspaper  that  publish on New Strait Times on 3 March 2013 , the topic “Prisoners To Get Varsity – Level Courses ” , in my  opinion this is a good  things because although they are prisoners ,they also a human  and have right to pursue study in order to improve their life. It is because every human make a mistake , but from the mistake people will realize about their live . But , due to the community perception that judge the prisoners that already out from the prison is still the same that make the prisoners did not have an oppucunity to improve and fixed their life back .If the community give chance toward the prisoners to fixed their life , the community will know that all their assumption toward the prisoners that already out from the jail is viceversa . I support with what The Prisons Department do to increase the  ex-prisoners competency after their sentence  include the provisions of skill training and university level education .Through this program , it will give  positive impact toward not only to the prisoners but also toward the country . Why I say that so ? It is because the prisoners  average age are  teenagers and the middle age. So, they can contribute their  energy in many field in order to generate the country income and also prevent them not to do bad thing again. Also, according what the newspaper report there have reducing of the number of the repeat prisoners that returning after being release from jail . Beside , from the report it also said that the department earned RM 17 millions from the sale of handcraft made by the prisoners That a good thing to hear. So, we should not judge the person mistake only , but we must accept their changes and support them to change .

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